40979 Fremont Blvd Fremont, CA
Policies & FAQ
Policies and FAQ
Refunds and Missed Classes: Please see the signup form for details. No refunds, credits, or extensions for missed classes. Make-up classes are not guaranteed but may be requested. Up to 3 make-up class requests may be granted per school year. They expire at the end of the period paid or end of the school year, whichever comes first. Additional make-up classes beyond the first three will each incur a $20 fee each and are not guaranteed.
Privacy: Simon Academics may freely use student work as well as photos, videos, and recordings of students for blogging, advertising, training and educational purposes, without compensation to the student or guardians.
Student Behavior: Students are expected to listen to and obey teachers, complete all assigned work, and exert appropriate levels of effort. Students who are rude, disruptive, or dangerous may be asked to leave class temporarily or permanently, and there will be NO REFUNDS for behavior-related expulsions and suspensions.
When can I sign up a new student? Sign up whenever you would like at www.simonabc.com. You will not be billed until we know there is a spot. Once we receive your invoice, we will check to make sure space is available and that the class is appropriate and then we will email an invoice.
When and how do I pay? Once we send an invoice to you, you have 48 hours to pay. If you do not pay within that time, you may lose your spot. We do not hold spots for longer. Payments are through www.billandpay.com using ACH transfers. They are as publicly traded company with excellent security. Credit card transactions can be made through Square or Venmo, taking a 5% charge. You may also pay directly through Zelle, sending to Jonathan Simon at 510-912-1212.
Can I pay for a part of the school year? For Normal Rate classes, you may pay for 5 classes at a time, half a school year, or a full school year. The classes must be taken every week. There is no spreading them out through the school year. All rates are prepaid. To get the full school year rate, you must prepay the full school year. If you sign up for half a school year, you will have to pay the same rate for the second half. Mr. Simon’s 8:1 classes require paying for a full school year to enroll.
Which grade level should I enroll my child in? Each class has a grade range: 2-5, 4-7, 7-9, and 9-12. Stronger students fit into the lower end and weaker students fit into the top. Placing a child in an overly difficult class does not help them. Most 6th grade students will be challenged in a grade 4-7 class, and a 7-9 class will be frustrating. Second or third grade is a good time to start writing classes. Starting later allows forming bad habits.
Should I start with reading or writing? Private or group classes? It depends on the child. Most parents and students are happiest starting with writing classes as the learning results are visible on the page. Group classes meet the needs of most children well, as it is more fun to learn with others than alone. Private classes are best for kids who struggle or need homework help.
What about math? We have found that math is most effectively taught in private classes. Please contact us for available times.
Why these prices? We hire experienced, credentialed, professional teachers and pay them living wages in the Bay Area. Finding, training, and retaining good teachers is difficult.
Can I get FSA Reimbursement? We have parents who use us for FSA reimbursement, and we will provide a receipt with our EIN and class dates and hours. However, Simon Academics makes no claim nor implies that this is allowed or that you will be reimbursed. We do not provide childcare.