Fall Classes Summer Classes

All classes are available in person or online via Zoom. Private and group classes are available. When we return to in-person classes, students will have the choice to remain online.


Writing Classes prepare students for honors, AP, and college writing. Teaching across all grades means that, even with second graders, we have their futures in mind. We cover literary response, persuasive, expository, creative, and personal narrative essay writing, varying by grade level. Prompts are derived from released SAT, ACT, and AP exams as well as our own curriculum. Classes start with editing student writing on a large screen for about 45 minutes. Students see editing of their own work and other student’s work, learning from everybody’s strengths and weaknesses. Then we teach a lesson focusing on next steps, areas of struggle, or a new form of writing, depending on the week. Finally we assign homework, which takes 1-2 hours per week total to complete. Homework includes editing, new writing, and news reading with analysis.


Reading Classes develops a love of reading through fiction and non-fiction books, improving fluency, expression, comprehension, vocabulary acquisition, metacognition, and analysis. We read aloud in a round-robin format with every student and the teacher taking turns. The teacher guides by modeling aloud the thinking skills of good readers, including using context, word roots, and metacognition. Homework covers reading and vocabulary, with minimal writing. This is not a test preparation class.

College Counseling

We help students with all aspects of preparation and competitiveness for college.


In a one-on-one setting, we fill in gaps in student knowledge then accelerate them ahead of their peers.

SAT, ACT, AP, Test Preparation

SAT/ACT Classes provide practice, test-taking techniques, and advice for both college entrance exams. These classes are especially useful for students who have already taken a quality boot camp. We offer private SAT and ACT tutoring and a summer boot camp.
College Counseling covers choosing extracurricular activities, classes, and summer programs, scheduling testing, career planning, goal setting, private school and college selection, and assessment of weaknesses and strengths. Assistance with college applications and personal statements is available. We recommend receiving counseling starting in middle school or by 9th grade at the latest. Several different packages are available. Typically students take 6-10 hours of counseling per year.

Fall Classes